Cheese and Sausage Sandwich Recipe


Hello everyone, this time I wanted to cook something simple and delicious, as well as not requiring a large number of ingredients! So I decided to make a delicious sandwich with 3 ingredients. Namely, toast bread, cheese and sausages. It turned out delicious as well as appetizing. This sandwich can be prepared for tomorrow, as well as for lunch and dinner. Thank you all for your attention, good luck!

Tender Cottage Cheese with Fruit Jelly Recipe


And again cottage cheese, well, what can you do, we love cottage cheese baking! This curd, rather, from a series of dietary. The taste is wonderful-the most delicate, creamy, curd, with a slight sourness and freshness of apricots, the aroma of orange jelly. It’s delicious! The texture is the most delicate. I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years – it always works!