A very unexpected combination of products and an excellent delicious result. In the days of a meat eater, it can be used as a side dish to a steak.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
In tagine, you can cook any meat that needs to be stewed for a long time to give it juiciness and softness. In the tagine, the extinguishing time is significantly reduced. This is due to the fact that tagine creates a unique microclimate, and products are prepared in two ways: from below — by heating the base, and from above — almost steamed.
Today I am addressing you with a recipe for very simple and delicious pies. Yeast dough, universal, suitable for both frying pan and oven. For example, I did this. It’s without eggs and butter. And you can choose absolutely any filling. It does not need to be kneaded for a long time, for an approach of 2 times you will need only 1.5 hours. We really liked these pies, I will come back to the dough recipe again and again. And I like warm pies most of all in a frying pan with butter. They turn out as if they have just been cooked.
Barbecue season is in full swing. There is nothing more pleasant than spending a weekend with friends or relatives, frying meat or grilled sausages on coals. I offer you a light vegetable salad – an appetizer of tomatoes and radishes, which is ideal for meat dishes. In addition, it is not long and easy to cook it! Cooking time without taking into account the pickling of the salad in the refrigerator.
The cake is summer, so bright, juicy, colorful, like summer itself. It harmoniously combines the most delicate fragrant green sponge cakes and moderately sweet chocolate custard based on yogurt. Sponge cakes with the addition of spinach puree, rich green and vanilla – citrus aroma, which wonderfully masks herbaceous shades.
Dear cooks, I want to introduce you to the recipe of the legendary cake. I think almost everyone has heard this wonderful name and I hope that many have ever tried this culinary masterpiece! According to this guest, the “Absheron” cake was prepared and is being prepared in Baku in the same restaurant. The Gost recipe is radically different from the one already published in that the cakes for this cake are not baked, but dried in the manner of meringue. Come visit! Help yourself! And now you can cook this magnificent cake in your kitchen and please your guests and family! P.S. The recipe contains ingredients according to gender norms, so the pie is shaped like a crescent moon. If the ingredients are doubled, then the pie will be a standard round shape.