This salad has not only a beautiful presentation, but also a great taste. Mushrooms, tomatoes and eggplants are perfectly combined, and they are complemented by an amazingly delicious dressing with paprika and green onions.
This salad is always on the festive table. It’s not that much. Even when you are full, you will still fill your plate, sit in front of the TV and continue to eat. A simple set of products that works wonders. Try it, and you will be able to cook. I am sure that no one will remain indifferent.
Warm salad with arugula, mushrooms and fried potatoes. Autumn is the time for mushrooms and potatoes. I offer you a simple and delicious salad of these ingredients).
Almost Julien, you might say. Only I added small pasta of hard varieties to the bottom of the coconut chips before laying out the components of Julienne. Also, instead of chicken meat, I used a ready-made turkey roll. A wonderful snack or just serve instead of hot on the New Year’s table at the very beginning of the festive dinner.
This seller has been our favorite for a good ten years. There is not a drop of fat in it (no mayonnaise, no butter, no sour cream), but it is very juicy and satisfying, with a rather bright taste.