Fragrant Cakes on Kefir Recipe


Easter tables are served generously and with great love, for dear guests, on a bright occasion. Bake meat, poultry or fry kebabs – a holiday, spring… Christ is Risen!!! And I suggest baking cakes, fragrant – very clean: with coriander and fennel, cumin and anise, garlic and green onions. P.S.: The recipe explains why soda and baking powder are used together.

The Usual Vegetable Salad with Unusual Dressing Recipe


In general, this is not a salad recipe, like the most ordinary salad, but a filling recipe. Thanks to this, the taste becomes bright and saturated. I recommend cooking a double portion at once or more, store up to a week in the refrigerator. The longer you store the filling, the more its taste is revealed. I hope this dressing will help to diversify your dishes during lenten time.