Light vitamin salad – a solid benefit! Everything is simple and fast.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Rich, bright smoothie made from feijoa berries, juicy persimmons and fragrant tangerine! Very tasty.
Winter is approaching, it’s time to start actively taking care of your health and the amazing feijoa berry will help us in this. The cooking process is simple, takes only 15 minutes, and there is delicious and healthy jam on your table without cooking. There are similar options on the site, but don’t throw slippers at me, I just want to remind you that now is the time to drink hot tea with this delicious jam.
Winter is ahead, but we still have time to stock up on the necessary vitamins, and autumn fruits / berries contribute to this. There is such a variety of persimmons, ripe feijoa and grapes on the shelves of bazaars, local apples exude such a fragrance, well, do not pass by, do not pass by… Let’s collect all this useful variety and please your loved ones. To heal.