The subtle aroma of green onions pushes every cook to experiment. Not many people know that there are much more nutritional components in feathers than in the bulb itself. Recipes with green onions during spring vitamin deficiency will replenish the supply of vitamins. Fresh onion is the main helper in the fight against colds. Greens are used to prepare almost any dish.
Appetite appears after eating onions, and all this is due to digestive juices, which have a beneficial effect on the human body. Delicious dishes are obtained with the addition of fresh, or baked in the oven. Therefore, it is so useful to eat it regularly, enriching your body with useful elements.
I want to treat you to a delicious salad! Quick and easy, but you will enjoy it, I assure you! And it is impossible to break away from the tender chicken breast at all!
I want to offer you a simple, but no less delicious salad with chicken and fresh vegetables. The salad is prepared quickly from available products. And probably the beauty of this salad is its simplicity.
The main advantage of this salad is that it is prepared quickly – if you have squid in the freezer, then an easy, healthy and savory dinner will be ready in 10 minutes.