I offer you a recipe for stollen, according to which I have been baking this wonderful dough for the second year. Such a stollen can be served to the table, or you can pack it in a beautiful festive paper and give it to family and friends, delighting them with delicious pastries.
I love homemade bread. As soon as it’s baked, I don’t wait for it to cool down, I slice it and eat it with cold milk. I have had this love for hot bread since childhood. My grandmother often baked bread. However, she baked it in a Russian oven. I baked this bread in order to eat it with homemade soft cheese. I have adapted to bake bread and other flour products in a slow cooker. Who does not have it, bake bread in the oven. For me, baking in a slow cooker is easier than in the oven. No need to look into the oven from time to time, you can do other things.
You probably guessed that three nuts for Cinderella are the three nuts that are included in the recipe of these delicious candies? You are absolutely right! Three different nuts were used in the recipe. I invite you, my dear ones, to the recipe page.
My favorite filling in pies is blueberries. I decided to add cranberries and apples to this pie. The filling turned out to be sweet with a pleasant sourness. I like to eat berry pies with milk.
Cookies with a very pronounced taste and aroma of peanuts. Peanut paste and ground hazelnuts are added to the dough. Sprinkle the cookies with ground almonds and whole pine nuts. It’s crumbly and delicious.
Dear cooks, I want to introduce you to the recipe of the legendary cake. I think almost everyone has heard this wonderful name and I hope that many have ever tried this culinary masterpiece! According to this guest, the “Absheron” cake was prepared and is being prepared in Baku in the same restaurant. The Gost recipe is radically different from the one already published in that the cakes for this cake are not baked, but dried in the manner of meringue. Come visit! Help yourself! And now you can cook this magnificent cake in your kitchen and please your guests and family! P.S. The recipe contains ingredients according to gender norms, so the pie is shaped like a crescent moon. If the ingredients are doubled, then the pie will be a standard round shape.