The most delicious, lush, simple! A healthy breakfast for everyone! Cheese cakes made from cottage cheese with flour in a frying pan contain little flour, which makes them extremely tender, soft, airy. They can not only be fried, but also baked in the oven. Hastily prepared, affordable products, incomparable taste – your perfect morning!
It is very tasty and delicate, made from a minimum of products. Crispy salt-baked chicken in the oven will become a real decoration of the festive table. Despite the fact that the chicken does not need to be additionally pickled, it turns out to be very fragrant, juicy, with a crispy golden crust!
Festive, delicious, soft, but with a crispy crust! A whole goose stuffed with apples in the oven is a Christmas dish, it will gather the whole family at the table and fill the house with a delicious aroma! The goose turns out to have an appetizing crust, spices can be added and changed to suit your taste.
Delicious, tender, fragrant, for the whole family. Frying chicken cutlets in a frying pan is very simple. You can serve them with any side dish. Chicken cutlets are not as fatty as, for example, pork, but at the same time they are no less satisfying and nutritious.
Juicy, fragrant, melting in the mouth. Simple and fast. French-style meat with cheese and tomatoes in the oven is an interesting and delicious dish that can be made from the simplest products. It is suitable for both a family dinner and a festive feast.
Super juicy and fantastically delicious – do not come off! Fried meat in a frying pan turns out to be incredibly soft, with an appetizing crispy crust. And all thanks to the fact that some tricks were used during frying. Serve the meat with any side dish — the family will be delighted!
Soft, tender and insanely delicious. It’s just a fairy tale! Cottage cheese cake with cottage cheese cream is very easy to prepare from the most affordable products. A piece of such a magnificent cake will perfectly complete a festive meal and will be remembered by your guests for a long time.
Bright, juicy, fragrant. Simple and very tasty! Pork goulash in a frying pan with gravy turns out to be very soft and tender. It is perfect for both a family dinner and a festive feast. You can serve goulash with any side dish.
Delicious, simple, the best pastries for the whole family! You will like a lush charlotte with apples the first time. She has one secret that makes her very airy, delicate, tall. It will take no more than 10 minutes to cut the fruit and knead the dough, the rest of the time the pie will be baked in the oven.
Juicy, fragrant, delicious, from ordinary products! Lazy cabbage rolls with rice, cabbage and minced meat in a saucepan is an option for cooking everyone’s favorite dish when cabbage is part of the minced meat, and not used as a whole leaf. Cooking such cabbage rolls is a little faster than usual, but the process itself is much simpler.