Jambalaya is, in fact, an American (Louisiana) pilaf. Try to cook it for sure.
Paella Recipe
|Cereal Galettes with Vegetables and Turmeric Recipe
|Quinoa Galette with Onions and Herbs Recipe
|Fried Rice with Crab Sticks Recipe
|Lenten Kulesh Recipe
|A La Kulesh Recipe
|Why “a la”? Well, for the first, real porridge cooked on fire in a cauldron, for the second – without potatoes and bacon. The weather is lousy, and I miss nature, kebabs and… Kulesh. In general, this is the most budget and fastest option, my friends and I have been preparing it since our student days. Today I decided to cook it at home and in a regular saucepan.
Kulesh Recipe
|Kulesh “Field” Recipe
|You need to take a walk with the children, manage in the garden, and even a hungry husband will come for lunch… So, today we are cooking outdoors. Yes, yes, don’t be surprised. Who knows, but in our Kuban winter is now such that the buds on the trees are blooming! Therefore, I bring to your attention a common dish – kulesh. The products are simple, we cook according to all the rules – in a pot and on fire!
Kulesh “Really” Recipe
|My grandmother always said that kulesh should be cooked “with a soul and slowly.” And today I realized the secret of this delicious dish. I’ve always cooked according to this recipe, but today it turned out especially delicious. I did everything slowly and in the very warm company of our friends. My husband gave me this name. After the first spoonful he said: “This is a real kulesh!”