Chicken Chops with Egg Recipe


Small round cutlets are considered small meatballs. In general, initially, in the XVIII century, these were chops from a whole piece of meat, hence the name “bit” – “chops”. They came to Russian cuisine from French chefs. And only in the XX century. sliced round cutlets were also called slices. Very juicy, soft chops. It is quickly and easily prepared, delicious both hot and cold. From the brisket of one chicken, a lot of pieces are obtained!

Bags of Rice, Chicken and Prunes Recipe


New Year is a time when you want to please your loved ones with delicious and interesting recipes. I offer you a hearty and inexpensive dish that will decorate your festive table and surprise guests with an intricate presentation. Bags of rice, chicken, mushrooms and prunes look beautiful on a dish, if necessary, they can be prepared for a buffet table. The recipe is convenient because everything can be prepared in advance, the day before the holiday, and at the right time to get out of the refrigerator and bake.

The Chicken “Gung bao” and Rice “Gohan” Recipe


Gongbao chicken is a classic dish of Sichuan cuisine, invented in Sichuan Province in western China. It is made from pieces of chicken fillet fried with nuts and red chili pepper. It is served with a lot of chicken and a small amount of fresh, but properly cooked rice. Come in and I’ll show you how to cook this rice so that it turns crumbly, just rice to rice, and how to cook this delicious chicken.