Roll of White Sponge Cake Recipe


Roll of white biscuit, baked for the first time. It was interesting: it will turn out or not, what will taste and color… it turned out to be both white and delicious, with cheese and cream and a strawberry note. Well, I have a classic roll in my collection, with Apple flowers, orange zucchini, mint leaves, green, vortex, and now I can safely say that there is a White one!

Fruit Ice Recipe


Fruit ice is a great refreshing treat in the middle of a hot summer. Moderately sweet with natural sourness of fruits and berries, fragrant fruit ice will give a charge of cheerfulness and freshness. You can experiment with the recipe and try an infinite number of different combinations of flavors. Making fruit ice is easy. To do this, you will need fruit/berry juice or puree and special forms for freezing. If there are none, use disposable plastic cups. The amount of sugar depends only on your preferences.