Hot fish dishes are as diverse as meat, poultry or vegetables, so the choice of hot fish dishes is great – from simply pan-fried steaks to complex casseroles with assorted fish.
The only main rule that you should follow in the preparation of fish hot is the freshness of the fish itself. Next, choose a recipe that is suitable for cooking time and method. The most popular cooking methods are baking in the oven or microwave, grilling and frying in a frying pan. And the most useful option would be steamed fish. If you decide to bake fish in the oven, there are also options: you can bake the fish whole with a minimum of spices or in the form of a roll of salt; pre-stuff it or just bake it with vegetables.
Cooking a fish casserole will require a little more effort, since you will need to thoroughly clean the fish from the bones (if you cook from whole fish).
Whatever recipe or cooking method you choose, think about a suitable accompaniment to the fish hot. Potatoes (boiled, baked, mashed) or vegetables have always been considered a classic accompaniment to hot fish. Ideally, it would be nice to prepare a sauce that will emphasize and complement the taste of the fish dish.
Bazhe — bazha) is a traditional Georgian nut sauce. In fact, it is a kind of satsivi, but, unlike it, it is not cooked, but prepared from raw ingredients. Baget sauce is almost universal, perfectly combined with many main dishes, especially well – with poultry and fish.
The recipe for meatballs is taken from the book “Russian home cooking” and interpreted under home conditions by me and my mother. (In the book, the dish is called telny) All illustrations for the recipe are made in our kitchen by my mother and are not plagiarized. When cooking, it is advisable to use bread soaked in milk.
The benefits of fish are very difficult to overestimate. Scientists do not stop studying a person in search of a recipe for eternal youth. The country that is in the first place in terms of the number of centenarians is of course Japan. And as the Japanese themselves say, the secret to a long and healthy life is a diet. Japanese people eat mostly healthy food — heart-healthy fish, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Try a very simple and delicious recipe for rainbow trout, rich in this element, seen in the oven. Be sure to include fish in your diet, at least once a week. Bon appetit.
Easy to prepare, not requiring specific skills, a dish that will please with its taste! Put it in the oven, and after 15 minutes, the excellent hot is ready!
Sea bass is a wonderful fish, able to boast not only a weak fish smell and surprisingly tender, juicy and soft meat, but also almost completely devoid of small bones, with which many people do not like to mess around. And, you will agree, it is even more inappropriate to extract the bones from the fish for a few minutes at a time at a festive table! And in its benefits, sea bass is fairly equated with salmon, because it is also very rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. So this is an ideal option in all respects, both for the daily menu and for festive feasts! Try to bake this amazing fish together with vegetables and cheese – this combination will allow you to discover new, hitherto unknown flavors!
Many people have heard about the benefits of halibut – this flounder fish, which lives in the northern seas and oceans, helps to make blood vessels more elastic, effectively fights cholesterol, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves vision, slows down the aging process and suppresses the release of stress hormones. And this is not all the useful properties of halibut! You can cook such fish in a variety of ways, and in all cases it will be perfectly combined with almost any side dishes. And there are very few bones in the halibut, and the excellent taste of this fish is also beyond praise! Try cooking halibut fillet with spinach and Hochland cream cheese sauce – this dish will be a great solution not only for everyday meals, but also for any festive feast!
Today, the New Year is a significant reason to get together with family and friends again. And I have an amazing dish for you – a green perch stuffed with rice and cheese.