Fruit Ice Recipe


Fruit ice is a great refreshing treat in the middle of a hot summer. Moderately sweet with natural sourness of fruits and berries, fragrant fruit ice will give a charge of cheerfulness and freshness. You can experiment with the recipe and try an infinite number of different combinations of flavors. Making fruit ice is easy. To do this, you will need fruit/berry juice or puree and special forms for freezing. If there are none, use disposable plastic cups. The amount of sugar depends only on your preferences.

Chocolate-Cherry Ice Cream with White Chocolate “Quick Breakfast” Recipe


After seeing this ice cream, I fell in love with the picture))). The recipe was rewritten and safely forgotten, it seemed difficult. I had it for several years. And it turned out that everything is very simple and divinely delicious – light sour cherry, velvety and rich chocolate, almond aftertaste, white chocolate elegance and slightly crunchy dark chocolate! Why didn’t I do it before??? The recipe is a little fake for yourself, the original source was on the Italian website. Do not be afraid of the number of ingredients – everything is much easier than it seems!