Homemade pate is ground meat, seafood, mushrooms and vegetables, fish, eggs and offal, with the addition of spices, nuts and butter. It is distinguished from the store option by its delicate taste and rich aroma.
An appetising snack is served with slices of bread for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and is also suitable for any festive feast.
Pate recipes amaze with their variety. Almost any product can be used to make a delicious spread, airy and satisfying. All ingredients are thoroughly processed: meat and liver are cleaned of films and veins, vegetables are cleaned of seeds and peel, washed and pre-boiled, onions and carrots are passed in a frying pan in butter or vegetable oil.
The prepared products are crushed to the consistency of paste by improvised means: ground in a meat grinder and ground through a sieve, brought to a creamy state with a blender.
Try the original recipes: pates with dried apricots and lentils, chickpeas, mackerel, salmon, turkey with prunes, beef liver with white wine will forever conquer the hearts of lovers of gourmet dishes. Surprise your guests not only on holidays, but also serve goodies for weekday dinners.
Very tasty, tender and fragrant duck meat riyet with fragrant herbs and sour Apple. Spread it on dried toast, you will have a hearty Breakfast or snack during the day. Rillettes is a type of pate of French cuisine, it is prepared mainly from fat meat, poultry or fish through long languor. Rillettes is also known as” pate of the poor”, because in contrast to the uniform texture of real pate, rillettes contains pieces of meat or meat fibers.
Pate is good to make for Breakfast, afternoon tea, a snack, as well as for a festive table. I’ll make it for Breakfast today. Pate with crab sticks, bell pepper, sweet paprika on cottage cheese and sour cream with herbs.
It will take no more than 5-10 minutes to prepare a snack from canned salmon. It can be served in tartlets or simply spread on toast or bread and served on a festive table.
Flounder is a fish with an interesting taste, which is why many people do not like it. I was lucky enough to “meet” her on o. Sakhalin, where it was caught in the sea of Okhotsk, themselves, respectively, the taste was divinely fresh. Since I just did not cook it, recently discovered a novelty-hot smoked flounder. This is already a delicious and independent snack, but its boneless fillet can serve as an excellent basis for other dishes -for example, cream pate.
Tender pate with two types of mushrooms – with fresh mushrooms and dry porcini mushrooms. Spicy, with an interesting taste, quickly prepared and eaten even faster – try it?
For Breakfast, lunch and dinner! The dish is so versatile that it will look beautiful and elegant on the festive table if you serve it in small tartlets and decorate it with sprigs of dill and parsley, slices of quail eggs and canned peas.