Pita Bread, as you know, is a thin white bread typical of the Caucasian peoples and the peoples of the Middle East. Lavash is eaten like ordinary bread, but various fillings are also wrapped in it.
Pita bread recipes are, as a rule, various snacks. They are easy to cook, they look beautiful, and finally, pita bread dishes are very tasty. For these reasons, many are so interested in what to cook and what to wrap in pita bread, how to make lavash for shawarma, what can be made from lavash quickly, how to cook pita bread in general. Recipes thanks to the convenience of cooking were quickly mastered by fast food, which began to offer us their dishes. Homemade lavash recipes are of course different and homemade dishes will always taste better. But first you need to decide on the filling. Are you interested in what can be wrapped in pita bread? Yes, anything. They cook it with mushrooms, meat, minced meat, vegetable caviar, Korean carrots, ham, red caviar, cottage cheese, cheese stuffed with fish, or even pita bread with canned food. Depending on your needs and tastes, you can choose pita bread dishes in the oven, grilled dishes, or dishes in a frying pan.
How to Cook Pita Bread at Home and not Over-Dry it?
Remember a few rules for making lavash, the recipe of which was shared by Armenian cooks.
– The first tip: when mixing the products, dissolve the salt in water, and then knead the dough.
– Tip two: bake the pita bread in a dry hot frying pan for 10 seconds on each side until ruddy spots appear on the surface. This will prevent the cake from drying out.
– Tip three: whichever recipe for pita bread dough you choose, as soon as the tortillas cool down, put them in a cellophane bag and store in the refrigerator. In this case, they will retain their softness, tenderness and pleasant taste for a long time.
In the photorecepts of homemade pita bread, you will find all the dough options, as well as various types of fillings, since lavash is used not only as bread, but also as a base for quesadillas, khachapuri, rolls, pizza or sandwiches. Pita bread is stuffed with vegetables, meat, fish, cheese, mushrooms, nuts and fruits. Master Armenian cuisine, and step–by-step lavash recipes will reduce the time spent at the stove – just follow our tips!
Appetizer for one and two. Recipe for a simple and delicious snack of 4 ingredients “Envelopes of pita bread with cheese-tomato filling”. This snack can be prepared for a snack and so on. Thank you for your attention, all the best.
Very tasty, crispy and flavorful breakfast a la pizza. It is prepared quickly, eaten even faster! But do not think that if it is on pita bread, it means that it is not satisfying, it is not so) By the way, I like this recipe not only for its speed, but also for its low calorie content. When you’re on a diet and you can’t eat flour, but you want something delicious – this option is the best!
Lean rolls of pita bread are a great alternative to pies, when there is no way to “mess” with the dough. It turns out very tasty. And it is prepared quickly. Stewed vegetables with rice and thin crunchy pita bread make this dish simply indispensable in the days of fasting. And in normal times, you can dream up a meat or fish filling.
Not pizza, of course, but a very interesting breakfast option. Sliced pita bread is well soaked and turns into a full-fledged, very juicy, base. I saw this option in Luciena’s video blog, and I’m happy to share it.
For a variety of holiday snacks. We sell beet pita bread and these with spinach. With the filling, we start from the chicken, and there you can also add carrots and Chinese cabbage. Processed curds come in handy here! It turns out to be a whole dish of hearty snack. Convenient to take with you.
Today we will prepare very simple and delicious envelopes of thin pita bread with cottage cheese and cheese! They are prepared very quickly and have a pleasant creamy taste. Perfect for a family tea party).
Quickly! Easy! Beautiful! It will become a real table decoration! Everyone’s familiar and favorite lasagna will sparkle with new colors – thanks to pita bread instead of pasta and original decoration. Pita bread when baked becomes soft due to the sauce, but does not get wet. Cut into portions, it holds its shape perfectly.
These cakes can be eaten instead of bread or served with tea. Tortillas are very complex and delicious. They can even be stuffed to your taste. Everything is easy and very tasty. Bon appetit.