It is believed that the preparation of the first dishes by man began with the appearance of dishes that allow cooking products in it. Over time, human knowledge and skills developed, cooking developed, the first dishes became more complex and sophisticated. Today, the recipes of the first dishes amaze with their diversity. The most popular, perhaps, are still the first meat dishes. They, as they say, are for every taste. These are the first dishes of chicken, the first dishes of beef, the first dishes of pork, the first dishes of lamb. For those who do not like the first dishes of meat, recipes suggest using fish, mushrooms, various vegetables. Special first courses for children have also been invented: they are usually dietary or sweet.
A woman who knows how to cook delicious first courses can always count on the favor of a man, because it is impossible to resist the aroma of soup! That is why we have collected the most delicious recipes of the first courses on our website. It should be noted that if you decide to cook the first dishes, recipes with photos will be especially useful to you.
I will try to surprise you with borscht today.. Well, it would seem, a well-known dish, why then put it out again? I’m going to take a chance. For years I have been collecting various secrets of its preparation and, finally, this recipe appeared. I hope it will be useful for young housewives in order to win their beloved men. Don’t be afraid of a lot of steps and photos. In fact, everything is much simpler.
This borscht is very much loved in our family. I hope that the cooks will also like the recipe. Pickled cabbage gives a special taste to this borscht. Try to cook.
Delicious soup on broth with pork heart, without roasting. I always add sugar to the soup, I love borscht, sweet and sour. Try to cook this borscht, maybe you will like it.
Borscht abroad… Borsch, borsch, vorsjtj, .. Many people have heard, but only a few have tried. And everyone will definitely want to try it! In order for the tasting to be worthy, depending on the country of residence, I begin to think what to exclude (pork, pork skins), how to cut vegetables (I prefer mashed soups) and what to add to give the usual note (hot pepper, olives)… But the very first problem is beetroot! Vegetables are not always and not everywhere available, often seasonal or tasteless in vacuum packaging… So I came to my own version of borscht, which everyone always eats with pleasure, regardless of nationality and territorial affiliation!
I collect borscht recipes, this is one of my hobbies. Autumn is the time of cooking this delicious borscht. It is very tasty and fragrant. Try to cook. The recipe was read by me in the magazine “Deli”. There is a similar recipe on the website, so this is my option.
Borscht vegetarian “Country”. I don’t put cabbage in borscht at all. I don’t like boiled cabbage. If you are cooking meat borscht, then after cooking the broth, the meat is taken out, separated from the bones, cut into small pieces and put into the finished borscht with spices.
My husband called the borscht “Royal”, but I decided to keep this name. Of course, borscht is its own, well-established dish for many families who love and cook it, and I’m not trying to argue and prove something. Just dream up a little on the holiday and invite yourself to taste an unusual and delicious borscht dish.