Turkey Hedgehogs “Chupa-Chups” Recipe


Small, round hedgehogs on skewers in the form of a Chupa-Chups, of course, will appeal to both small and large. Still hot, sprinkle them with grated cheese and sesame seeds – this is the secret of their extraordinary taste and popularity for my guests. Dip this miracle in the sauce and enjoy every fluffy lump! I came up with it myself, made it on trial – they sold out with A Bang!!!

“Baby Potato” with Sausage and Cheese Recipe


I think everyone knows the famous fast food chain where they prepare delicious baked potatoes with different fillings. Russian soul loves potatoes, nothing can be done. And perhaps no picnic is complete without baked potatoes on the coals or on the grill. I suggest a recipe in the style of “potato crumbs” with a salad of homemade sausage, cheese and pickles. I assure you, these potatoes will be eaten faster than a barbecue at a picnic!