Minced Meat Roll in Estonian Recipe


Pikkpoys is a very convenient dish to prepare-one large cutlet. No need to stand sculpting and frying cutlets. Always effectively on the table on holidays and weekdays. They are also served cold for a snack. You can stuff it with large mushrooms. Usually the husband makes one cutlet in front of the guests-with eggs, etc. – with mushrooms. The length of the roll in its raw form is 40 cm, the width is 10 cm

Potato and Artichoke Pie Recipe


Torta salata con carciofi e patate – Pie on puff pastry with potatoes, cheese and artichokes. In the original, the dough is a Breeze (poor)shortbread dough with the addition of water and without eggs), I was too lazy to mess with it)) I love all kinds of salty pies and cook them often, looking for new options. The pie is prepared very simply, my family is very happy with the result. Cook for your health!