Onions in cooking are used in raw, boiled, fried, pickled and salted types. Although to preserve all the useful properties, minimal thermal exposure is recommended. Onions can be both a flavor seasoning for the main dish (and it is combined with meat, fish, rice, potatoes, flour products, cottage cheese, and other vegetables), and the basis of the recipe. Many national cuisines have their own “branded” culinary products, in which onions can be called a key ingredient: French onion soup, British onion pie, etc. There are some culinary tricks that will allow you to cook this product (or a dish based on it) as tasty as possible: If you add a little granulated sugar to the oil during frying, the onions will brown better. So that the chopped onion does not burn during sauteing, before sending it to the frying pan, you should roll the “straw” in flour. Then it will simply acquire a reddish hue. Onions can be added to minced meat not only to improve the taste, but also to extend the shelf life of the meat part. To get rid of onion bitterness in the manufacture of salads, raw onions are slightly scalded with boiling water, and hands and knife are smeared with wet salt.
When choosing onions, preference should be given to dense clean heads, without damage, holes and stains. The sweetness-bitterness of a vegetable depends not only on the variety, but also on the length of daylight in the place of cultivation (southern onions are considered sweeter), the mineral content of the soil, the softness of the climate, the abundance of precipitation, etc. For example, with a large amount of annual precipitation, sulfur is actively washed out of the soil, which creates prerequisites for growing a sweeter vegetable. However, in general, it is believed that white varieties have a stronger flavor and are better suited for filling pies, red and purple ones have a sweet taste and are well combined in salads and marinades, and the Spanish variety is softer and sweeter, as well as onions with yellow–brown husks are better suited for frying.
I share a recipe for our favorite salad. This salad is suitable for a festive table, and just like that, when you want something delicious. It’s very tasty! P.S.:Be sure to take boiled, cut, sterilized mushrooms. If you take fresh and fry, it will have a completely different taste and salad.
We have a new favorite — tomato soup in a pressure cooker! Easy and fast, without potatoes, a hearty lunch with an unusual taste. If there is no pressure cooker, you can cook it in a regular saucepan, but it will take longer to cook. Caloric content-only 53 kcal/100g!
I share a recipe for our favorite salad. This salad is suitable for a festive table, and just like that, when you want something delicious. We always cook for the New Year. It’s very tasty! P.S.:Be sure to take boiled, cut, sterilized mushrooms. If you take fresh and fry, it will have a completely different taste and salad.
Today I want to share with you a recipe for cooking funchosa with shrimp and vegetables. You will learn how to cook glass noodles with seafood delicious and simple.
Original name Berliner Buletten (Berliner Buletten) Spicy and delicious meatballs. According to historians, they received this name from the time when Berlin was occupied by the French in the early 19th century.
I think that this herring is the same ” Dutch-style “as that Soviet meat “French-style”. Because in Holland, herring is sold, cut into fillets, preserving the tail and sprinkling, at most, with onions. But this cooking option turned out to be very, very good and diversified our “herring table”. The recipe is found on the web in different proportions and cooking methods (both from fresh and salted herring). I tried different ways and brought out for myself the option that I liked.