Fast and tasty (because standing at the stove is already beginning to get bored), beautiful and festive (New Year’s feasts continue)! Sauce is a side dish. Recommend.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Tender Turkey meat is ideal for both everyday table and diet food. Orange glaze complements the tender, juicy meatballs with an unusual taste with an Oriental accent. They can be served with boiled rice or noodles. Also put in a pita or chapati, adding a salad of fresh vegetables and take as a snack on a picnic.
Delicious, tender mackerel pate. We do not sell good frozen fish very often, but I was lucky enough to buy two large fish, which I used to make two dishes. One of them is this pate. I’m not a big fan of fish, but this pate fascinated me. Yes, I will not write much about the unique properties of mackerel, I will list a few of them-eliminating pain in the head and joints;regulating the balance of hormones;stimulating sexual activity;cleaning and strengthening the walls of blood vessels;filling the lack of useful fats and amino acids;improving the functioning of the heart;rejuvenating the skin; speeding up brain circulation and improving memory; Trying? strengthening bones and joints; reducing the amount of sugar in the blood..
I want to share my recipe for liver pate. But, not simple, but baked in the oven. The time spent on cooking is more than repaid by the result: the expressive taste, delicate texture and ruddy crust distinguish it from the usual raw pate. This recipe was developed many years ago, the whole family liked the pate, I hope that you will not be disappointed.
I would call it Viennese schnitzel, but the real Austrian schnitzel is made from veal. So this dish is more of an improvisation on the theme of Austrian schnitzel. Although in Germany in one of the restaurants the menu indicated “Viennese pork schnitzel”, we were served it. Apparently, not only in the home, but also in the restaurant kitchen there are noticeable deviations from the canons.