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Cream Pate of Boiled Mackerel Recipe
Delicious, tender mackerel pate. We do not sell good frozen fish very often, but I was lucky enough to buy two large fish, which I used to make two dishes. One of them is this pate. I'm not a big fan of fish, but this pate fascinated me. Yes, I will not write much about the unique properties of mackerel, I will list a few of them-eliminating pain in the head and joints;regulating the balance of hormones;stimulating sexual activity;cleaning and strengthening the walls of blood vessels;filling the lack of useful fats and amino acids;improving the functioning of the heart;rejuvenating the skin; speeding up brain circulation and improving memory; Trying? strengthening bones and joints; reducing the amount of sugar in the blood..
Cook Time 60 minutes
Cook Time 60 minutes
  1. Boil the fillet in a minimum amount of water - after boiling, cook for 3 minutes.
    Boil the fillet in a minimum amount of water - after boiling, cook for 3 minutes.
  2. To remove from the skin. Pour a little broth.
    To remove from the skin.
Pour a little broth.
  3. Butter, cottage cheese, salt, horseradish, pepper, smoked paprika (you can without it), a little broth to mix until smooth. Adjust the taste.
    Butter, cottage cheese, salt, horseradish, pepper, smoked paprika (you can without it), a little broth to mix until smooth. Adjust the taste.
  4. Add to the fish and mix well with a fork, kneading the fish pieces into smaller ones.
    Add to the fish and mix well with a fork, kneading the fish pieces into smaller ones.
  5. Cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours - I had a night.
    Cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours - I had a night.
  6. The savory appetizer is ready.
    The savory appetizer is ready.
  7. Enjoy.
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