Juicy Salad with Beans and Tuna Recipe


Currently, canned fish is quite often included in many salad recipes. It is not surprising, because it is combined with almost all vegetables, but I want to share an unusual recipe for a salad with beans, fish, pickled onions and tomatoes. The salad is suitable for a festive table and for an everyday menu.

Mediterranean Salad Recipe


Ensalada mediterranea. A very simple and very popular salad in Spain – in the hot season, it can probably replace a full lunch. In every country, even in every region of a more or less large country, there is a salad that the locals eat most often. In Spain, at least on the Costa Blanca, it is ensalada mediterranea (Mediterranean salad) or ensalada mixta (mixed salad). By and large, there is only one difference – in the Mediterranean oil is always olive, in the mixed one there can be any vegetable. Don’t wait for an exact recipe – it doesn’t exist. I will tell you how it is most often prepared in our region.

Maxi Turkey Sandwich Recipe


Delicious, juicy, tender and spicy at the same time. It was my culinary experiment, but I charmed the whole family, so I decided to share the recipe. It is important that you do not replace iceberg lettuce with Peking cabbage (it will be tough) or ordinary lettuce leaves (dry and bitter). And be sure to take a good seasoning for the turkey, as it, along with the Greek yogurt sauce, gives the whole sandwich a taste.