Vegetable oil is used in cooking all the time. These are not only salads with vegetable oil, but also any toasts for sauces, soups, second courses. Vegetable oil is also added to the yeast dough. Pancakes, fritters and pies are baked in vegetable oil.
The ideal oil for cooking and baking is coconut oil, even though it is unrefined. Feel free to grease a baking sheet or frying pan and even fry steaks.
Remember that 1 tablespoon of oil contains 120 kcal. Measure the oil with spoons, do not pour from the bottle. I recommend using sprays.
If you want to get the most out of the oils you use, combine 2-3 types, for example, linseed and olive oil for salads and avocado oil for baking. Diversity is the key point.
Vegetable oil is obtained when it is squeezed from the fruits, roots, seeds, stems of suitable plants. In principle, you can squeeze oil from almost any plant.
Most of the vegetable oil is triglycerides. Their content in the product is almost 97 percent. The remaining three percent are phosphatides, lipochromes, waxes, fatty acids, vitamins and tocopherols. In addition, these three percent of vegetable oil also contains substances that are responsible for the taste and color of the product.
Vegetable oil is divided into refined and unrefined. Unrefined sunflower oil is an oil with a richer aroma and taste. Since vegetable oil is made from plants, there can be no cholesterol in it by default, since cholesterol is a substance of animal origin.
I think eggplant is the most versatile vegetable. In summer and autumn, it is irreplaceable! And in winter, it is good for the New Year’s table, although it costs almost as much as caviar. The filling is delicious, the spouse could not determine the couscous at all.
I want to offer you to try spicy string beans in soy sauce, which can be a side dish, as well as an independent dish. The amount of hot pepper can be adjusted to your taste.
Fast food lovers will definitely like this recipe. Very tasty, flavorful carrot fries are obtained. For the carrot fries, I will have a delicious cheese and garlic sauce. The perfect combination!
Many people have heard about the benefits of halibut – this flounder fish, which lives in the northern seas and oceans, helps to make blood vessels more elastic, effectively fights cholesterol, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves vision, slows down the aging process and suppresses the release of stress hormones. And this is not all the useful properties of halibut! You can cook such fish in a variety of ways, and in all cases it will be perfectly combined with almost any side dishes. And there are very few bones in the halibut, and the excellent taste of this fish is also beyond praise! Try cooking halibut fillet with spinach and Hochland cream cheese sauce – this dish will be a great solution not only for everyday meals, but also for any festive feast!