A very delicious pie in a popular Christmas molding. It is prepared very simply, from three ingredients, but, nevertheless, it turns out very tasty. I was very pleasantly surprised by the combination of pesto and puff pastry, be sure to try it!

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Every year on New Year’s Eve I bake a cake “Laurent”. And every time I experiment with fillings. This year I wanted to add more vegetables to the festive table. So I decided to make a vegetable pie. I am preparing a completely non-standard cake “Laurent”. Starting with the cake and ending with the filling, it is low-fat. Which in no way makes it tasteless. The pie turns out to be tender, slightly crispy and light. And the filling is like a salute! A large number of ingredients replacing each other create a bright rich taste.
Here I will give a recipe for one of the possible fillings for ravioli, the dough for which we prepared earlier. Eggs, cottage cheese and spinach – just imagine how delicious it is! Homemade cottage cheese, in addition, will be an excellent independent snack even on weekdays, even on holidays. Let’s try it!
A delicate, fragile shell with an almond note in the fruit filling, which is prepared and infused long before baking, are English pies. The English like to laugh at their cuisine, but the answer of true connoisseurs of it is: “It’s much better than the fame of it.” I suggest you familiarize yourself with an example of Christmas baking, which many people know and cook, but these wonderful pies attracted attention and liked their “piece-by-piece”. it turns out a tender, crumbly and not sweet dough. In this test, the taste of the filling of fruits and spices is very pronounced. They are not reflected!!! A wonderful gift for your loved ones for Christmas and New Year!
It just so happens that the New Year falls on the Christmas fast. Those who fast on this holiday know how difficult it is to set a festive table, and especially to cook something for dessert. In this case, I am always saved by a lean orange pie made according to a Greek recipe. The cupcake turns out delicious, fragrant, does not crumble for a long time, and its orange color lifts the mood.