Pies are a baked or fried dough dish with a filling. The dough can be different – yeast, sponge, puff, shortbread or grated. Pies are open when the filling is on top of the dough, and closed when the filling is completely inside the dough. There are many varieties of pies: sweet pies, quiche, sponge cake, cheesecake, strudel, gingerbread, cake, mannik, tatin, cheesecake and many others. Also on our website you will find simple pie recipes, sweet pies and delicious pie. There are also many cooking methods and information on how to make pies and how to bake a pie.
Delicious, simple, the best pastries for the whole family! You will like a lush charlotte with apples the first time. She has one secret that makes her very airy, delicate, tall. It will take no more than 10 minutes to cut the fruit and knead the dough, the rest of the time the pie will be baked in the oven.
I decided to combine my favorite flavors in one pie: coffee and lemon. We liked it. Sour cream turned out to be the softest, most delicate, with an unobtrusive coffee taste and a long lemon aftertaste. Come visit.
The usual shortbread dough, cheese filling…, the usual snack for Swedes with wine or something favorite. The taste will not disappoint. Thanks to I. Stromberg for the recipe!
I offer the Cooks delicious Turkish pastries, the filling of which is wrapped in a thin dough, and then placed in a spiral in a baking dish. Berek is prepared with different fillings, but I decided to combine different fillings in one pie. Come on in, try it 🙂
Meat pie is a casserole, very similar in appearance to an apple “Charlotte”. The pie has a tender meat cake, while it holds its shape well (even hot) and does not crumble. Breadcrumbs on the surface of the pie give a pleasantly crisp crust.
Torta salata con carciofi e patate – Pie on puff pastry with potatoes, cheese and artichokes. In the original, the dough is a Breeze (poor)shortbread dough with the addition of water and without eggs), I was too lazy to mess with it)) I love all kinds of salty pies and cook them often, looking for new options. The pie is prepared very simply, my family is very happy with the result. Cook for your health!
I want to share a recipe for juicy, crispy and very tasty mini chebureks with squid filling. Squid meat does not have a fishy smell, and minced meat from it turns out tender and juicy. My dough is without eggs, it is very elastic, it is perfectly molded, but it does not stick to my hands. Thanks to all these features, it turns out an unusually juicy filling and cheburek, which does not flow and even when cooled remains crispy.
Cranberries and cranberries are always in my freezer, because I know what delicious pastries are obtained with this northern berry! Shape size: 17 cm by 22 cm the height of the pie is 3 cm.
Today I’m back with a recipe from an old Soviet book. He attracted my attention with an unusual way of making potato dough. It looks like a potato sponge cake, which is probably why the dough turns out to be unusually tender. The filling in the pie is chicken-mushroom with the use of dried mushrooms. Breadcrumbs on the surface of the pie create an unusually crisp crust. In general, it’s delicious! Very TASTY!
I suggest baking a cottage cheese pie “on the contrary”. Why “on the contrary” you will understand in the cooking process. The pie is a perfect combination of a delicate cottage cheese filling and an airy sponge cake with chocolate chips. Children will be especially delighted! Be sure to cook!)