My Favorite Carrot Cake Recipe


Dear cooks, I offer you an excellent pie, which is very popular in my family. Despite its large size, it never stays for long, disappears right before your eyes. The ingredients are measured in glasses, I have a glass with a volume of 200 ml. The volume of the glass, in principle, is not important, the main thing is to observe the proportions.

Sweet Ideas from Puff Pastry Recipe


If you really want something sweet, but there is no time and desire to stand in the kitchen for a long time, then such ideas of sweet pastries for tea may be useful to someone. These will be bagels with cherries and sweet sugar ears. The key to delicious baking is high-quality dough!! The taste of the finished product will depend on it! And you can choose absolutely any filling.

Sandwich Cookies “Red Velvet” Recipe


If you want to please someone with delicious and beautiful cookies — this recipe is perfect for you. Sandwich cookies are a type of baking, the distinctive feature of which is the filling located between two cookies. This cookie is prepared quite simply and quickly. Which is very convenient, both the dough and the filling can be prepared in advance. The dough is suitable not only for slicing, but also for cookie cutters.