Friends, I want to share with you another quick, delicious Breakfast. This is not even a recipe, but a way to get rid of the stale remnants of luxury in your refrigerator and get a lot of pleasure from it! If you have any leftovers, then come visit and I’ll tell you everything…
Delicious pancakes with greens and boiled egg, almost pies… And the fact that the test zucchini, you can not tell… Cook with inspiration and little secrets, and it will be delicious and useful.
At least for Breakfast, at least for a snack, we prepare an instant omelet with or without various sausage additives. I love chorizo for its sharpness, it’s wonderful in an omelette. For the base, take a bun from any flour or brioche.
The season of fresh berries begins, I suggest you prepare a great Breakfast for yourself and your loved ones – pancakes. Strawberry! Tender, flavorful, good with sour cream, nut paste or fruit ice cream!
This recipe is perfect for just about everyone. Especially for those who like hamburgers, but can’t afford them. Of course, there is no bread, no cutlets, but the appearance is similar, and as you know, we eat with our eyes. In addition, they are delicious and perfect for Breakfast. I think that even the most fastidious child will not refuse it.
My mother is a big fan of crosswords, regularly buys herself magazines where they often print recipes and she always shares with me the ones that she particularly liked. And here is one of them – petite, bright pancakes on the fermented baked milk and milk with corn flour!
These rolls are perfect as a snack for a festive table, and as a snack on a weekday. They are prepared very quickly from the most affordable ingredients, and are almost harmless and light.
If I had been told 10 years ago that pancakes can be made without flour, without milk and without eggs, I would not have believed it! Pancakes are American puffy pancakes that look more like pancakes. In our family – this is the most favorite Breakfast! To make Breakfast healthier and healthier, I come up with unusual recipes. For example, gluten-free coconut pancakes. My pancakes are made from coconut and rice flour, and the role of eggs in the dough is performed by guar gum. This is an absolutely natural product made from Indian acacia pods. By analogy with fiber, it serves as a broom for the gastrointestinal tract, helping to remove harmful residues from it and, thus, free it from toxins and slags. The pancakes turn out a fragrant, delicate and airy!