The bread turns out very tasty, with a crispy crust. It has a beautiful pale yellow color. Bread makes delicious sandwiches, both with sweet and salted cucumbers. Good bread and first courses. Its preparation is very simple and does not take much time.
I love homemade bread. As soon as it’s baked, I don’t wait for it to cool down, I slice it and eat it with cold milk. I have had this love for hot bread since childhood. My grandmother often baked bread. However, she baked it in a Russian oven. I baked this bread in order to eat it with homemade soft cheese. I have adapted to bake bread and other flour products in a slow cooker. Who does not have it, bake bread in the oven. For me, baking in a slow cooker is easier than in the oven. No need to look into the oven from time to time, you can do other things.
A classic pie with seasonal pumpkin, but you can also cook with cottage cheese and potato filling. This dough is also called exhaust, a large surface is needed for rolling.
Tomatoes stuffed and cooked in the oven is another recipe from the cookbook “Delicious and simple”! In the summer season, of course, tomatoes are tastier, but at other times with such an interesting filling tomatoes will be delicious and appetizing!
Fragrant, warm cocoa with a cap of melting marshmallows is a simple and delicious drink that, combined with cookies, will cheer you up on a cold winter evening.
There are few snacks here… I suggest another one – a repeatedly tested roll that can be prepared on the eve of the holiday. And since everyone is waiting for the “mouse” year, the cheese dish is very important.
This delicious snack will fit perfectly into the menu of the festive table and will definitely become a favorite on New Year’s Eve! It can be served as an independent hot dish, or as a snack. Potato baskets with a meat ball under a cream sauce of cottage cheese, herbs and spices, but with a baked cheese crust! This dish will drive any gourmet crazy! And cheese lovers will be delighted!