I hasten to You with a simple recipe for very tasty and elegant cookies. Absolutely not difficult to prepare, it is sure to give a moment of pleasure to You and your loved ones, and small assistants will be very happy to help in the design.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Good day, dear cooks! The most magical time of the year is coming and the brightest and most colorful holidays are coming! In our family Arsenal, there are three cupcake recipes that are completely different from each other. We always prepare them during the winter holidays. Here I hasten to You with the first recipe of the most fragrant rich chocolate-coffee cake with cognac. The taste of the cake is very rich and rich… fragrant, spicy, chocolate-velvety… Thanks to a slightly non-standard method of cooking, the structure of the cake is simply amazing.
Norwegian pie consisting of nut cake and egg cream. As a complete beginner, I am attracted to a set of simple products combined with easy manipulations in the cooking process. Tart has a bright nutty taste. Personally, I use a third less sugar than stated in the recipe in order that the sweet taste does not go off scale and does not interrupt the nutty taste.
New Year is a time of miracles, unforgettable impressions, surprises, waiting for magic and fulfillment of wishes. This cupcake fits perfectly into this amazing atmosphere. Judge for yourself: coffee gives the cupcake a charming, unique aroma; raspberries – sweetness and a light refreshing sourness; chocolate – tart, at the same time sweet and slightly burning, viscous and as if enveloping taste. What is not a miracle?!