I always cook mashed potatoes “with a reserve”, because there are a lot of things you can cook from it. For example, a casserole with minced meat and mushrooms, and if it is also portioned, and adding cheese and quail egg, then it is not a shame to treat guests. Recommend.
Vertical Apple Cake Recipe
|What do I associate with early autumn? This is a warm sweater under a light raincoat, yellow leaves, favorite shoes and, of course, apples. In our band, they start collecting them from the end of August. A couple of apples in a work bag, in a schoolboy’s briefcase – this is for a long time. Charlottes though a stream of bake, but sometimes you want something more refined. I offer you a recipe for a delicate sponge cake with apples and butter cream. The idea of making a recipe is inspired by a chain of Swedish stores.
Sausages in Pita Bread Recipe
|Zucchini Pancakes with Cheese and Melted Cheese Recipe
|Crumpled Potatoes in the Oven with Fillings Recipe
|Almost Pizza “Autumn” Recipe
|Potato Roll with Bacon Recipe
|I want to share with you a recipe and show you how to make a potato roll in the oven. It turns out juicy due to the meat filling and tender due to the potato dough. Try to cook! If you do not eat meat, then you can add an equally delicious filling to this roll, which may consist of hard-boiled eggs, grated cheese and chopped herbs. But it will be a different story…