As you know, there is a Catholic Christmas and an Orthodox Christmas, and at the same time it is difficult to find even two Catholic or Orthodox countries that would have absolutely identical Christmas dishes and Christmas menu. The Christmas table should not only saturate the family, but also symbolize abundance, the beginning of a new life. Traditional Christmas dishes in different countries are very diverse, in connection with the end of the fast, a variety of products are allowed. For example, from the end of November to January 7, the Orthodox Christmas fast lasts, the menu of the Christmas fast is a great way not only to be cleansed spiritually, but also physically. Eating during the Christmas fast excludes fatty animal food, fish can be eaten several times a week. But after the fast, the recipes for Christmas dishes are more diverse, there is meat, fish, and dairy products.
For the countries of Western Europe, Christmas baking recipes are especially characteristic of sweet dishes. At this time, houses and bazaars are really flooded with Christmas pastries. The recipe for Christmas baking is Christmas cookies, as well as Christmas gingerbread. Christmas cupcake and Christmas candy recipes are also very popular. There is even a special English Christmas cake in England. The recipe for Christmas cookies is simple, the main thing is a beautiful design. To please your loved ones and, especially, children, we offer you a recipe for Christmas gingerbread. You will need flour, sugar, soda, eggs, butter, cocoa, honey, spices. After mixing the ingredients and kneading the dough, it should be put in the refrigerator overnight so that it is infused and soaked with spices, in this case you will get especially fragrant Christmas gingerbread. The recipe for Christmas gingerbread will also require you to have a certain artistic taste, because it will be necessary to mold human figures, animals, or some geometric shapes from the dough. After that, the cookies are baked in the oven and decorated with icing. About the same way Christmas cookies are prepared. The recipe for a Christmas cake is very popular in England. It is prepared with dried fruits and nuts, soaked with some alcohol. For Orthodox Christians, Christmas sweets are primarily Christmas carols and Christmas pastries, for example, Christmas cake. The recipe that creates a holiday for children is lollipops in the form of cockerels. The ideal option for Christmas baking will be Christmas tea. It is made from black tea, ginger, cinnamon and orange peel.
Also in many European countries, a mandatory Christmas dish is a Christmas goose, a Christmas duck or a Christmas turkey. Christmas goose is prepared in Germany, Denmark, Greece etc. You will definitely not regret if a Christmas goose appears on your table. The Christmas goose recipe usually uses apples and prunes. Christmas turkey is a recipe that is typical for England and the USA. Meat dishes are often served with a Christmas salad, the recipe of which may differ in different countries.
A beautiful, festive and, of course, delicious cake! I’m sharing another honey cake recipe. It is prepared quickly enough, not counting the time for the dough to cool down) Cream with sour cream, and honey cakes are obtained simply by tenderness itself – soft, lush… I collected the recipe for making cakes on the Internet, and I am very happy with the result! The dough is plastic, and after cooling it does not stick at all. I advise you to prepare such a cake for the holidays!
For a New Year’s mood, you need to eat more tangerines and oranges. That’s why I wanted to make my favorite tender, moist chocolate sponge cake with a hint of orange. The preparation of the sponge cake will not take much time, you do not need to beat it for a long time. But you will be very pleased with the result.
What is a holiday without a pie? This homemade apple pie will decorate your tea party on New Year’s Eve. And it won’t waste your time at all. The dough turns out to be malleable, the decoration is easily molded, each piece holds its shape and has a multifaceted taste. The recipe is from Maria from Germany, she added apples, bananas and jam on her own, but excluded sugar in the filling. The height of the pie is 4 cm. The diameter of the mold is 24 cm.
Fillet of any white fish is suitable for this dish. The addition of saffron and a “pillow” of pomegranate makes it even more noble. It’s delicious, beautiful and festive! With a small amount of time, it turns out to be an excellent hot dish for a special occasion.
Delicious cookies are collected in the form of a basket with sweets. It will become a table decoration and will be suitable as a gift to family and friends.
Pavlova is one of the most famous desserts in the world. Light, tender and delicious! Why not prepare this dessert for the celebration of the new year? Just decorate it in the form of a pyramid – a Christmas tree assembled from meringue cakes of different diameters and decorated with the most Christmas fruits-tangerines. For sourness, I took cranberries, this is a very refreshing dessert and, of course, strawberries, there is no way without it!
If you ask the question: “What drinks are always present on the New Year’s table?” – champagne, – the first answer! If, of course, we are talking about real champagne, then I think there is both taste and aroma here… It is assumed that this kind of champagne will fill all this and the dessert to which it is added. I, as expected, withstood all the cooking conditions from the author of these wonderful cupcakes, and with our “a la champagne”. I confess that I did not catch anything special from this noble drink of the aristocrats in the ready-made cakes. But! It didn’t upset me at all, because I wasn’t upset at all. I got an incredible treat for the festive table!!! Moist, finely porous cupcakes. My piggy bank of the best recipes was replenished last year. I wish you all a happy new year! Treat yourself and your loved ones with these wonderful cupcakes. Take them, like me, with you to visit!
I want to put a sweet dessert on the festive table. I suggest baking a delicious charlotte with cream, which can be prepared with the addition of ripe tangerines. As you know, these citrus fruits are a symbol of the new year. It turns out just an amazing charlotte with the most delicate cream, which has a slight sourness. And you can also decorate this dessert with grated milk and white chocolate.
What to cook for the New Year’s table? Of course, fragrant homemade cakes with tangerines. And you can also diversify cupcakes with dried cranberries. This berry is very healthy and delicious. You can add boiling water with vegetable oil to the dough, it turns out a soft and elastic structure. Soft cupcakes with juicy tangerine filling will appeal to all guests.
A very delicious cake with a bright rich taste of black currant berries, a chocolate cake with the aroma of natural coffee. This exquisite taste will haunt you for a long time. This is being prepared for one, two, three. There are not many products, and if you have a stock of freshly frozen black currant berries, then you will have time to prepare this pie for the New Year. Whisk the liquid ingredients, add the mixed dry ingredients, dilute with freshly brewed natural coffee and put the dough in the oven. It remains to grate the berries, whisk the cream and … the pie is ready.