First Course (Light morning breakfasts) excludes delicious and nutritious second (Lunch) dishes. Recipes for the first soups and broths are probably known by every cook. But even if you are lucky and you cook the most delicious and fragrant soup in the world, you will not serve it every day. You will need a variety of light dishes from the available ingredients, the ability to improvise with the methods of cooking, laying and decorating dishes.
Therefore, we recommend that you bookmark this section, where the preparation of the first dishes with step-by-step photos is revealed in detail and fascinatingly. The basis for a light breakfast (First Course) is most often broths (for example, beef-chicken, fish, mushrooms), although milk or fermented milk products are sometimes used. But it is also worth paying attention to what the ingredients may be. Basically, the dishes use easily digestible ingredients that have undergone good heat treatment, preferably cooking or baked. The essence of the first breakfast is that you or your guest can not feel the thirst of hunger before lunch, so the best ingredients are those that are able to stay for at least 2 hours in the stomach (Carrots, potatoes, beets, zucchini, and other long-digested vegetables). Additionally, you can use various types of cereals, such as semolina, pearl barley, corn flakes, rice, and other cereals with various ingredients.
In the autumn period, especially at the very beginning, you always want warmth – a cozy soft blanket, a Cup of strong coffee and a hearty hot soup. Is it different for You?! I suggest an interesting recipe. With beer and fried bacon, with broccoli and various cheeses…, a little unusual and very tasty. Recommend.
I am indifferent to Halloween, not our holiday. But I love pumpkin, and on this day I’m ready to fool around with it. And in the end: the most flavorful, delicious, bright and healthy soup for the whole family.
The first frosts, Brrrr…, so we will prepare a fragrant thick soup on beef broth, with chickpeas and corn, with celery and eggplant. It is better to fill it with Oriental spices-sumac and Zira, the most suitable. Recommend.
White cabbage soup with melted cheese and meatballs will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. It will take 40-45 minutes to prepare it, and the result will surprise you. I found the recipe on a German website, changed it a little and my family liked it. Make this quick and easy soup and you won’t regret it!
Autumn is the best time to buy nuts for the future, and at the same time I recommend buying dried beans, you can cook so many delicious dishes from these products! For example, Deschamps – spicy and aromatic soup with spicy notes. It is prepared simply, and in the presence of pre-boiled beans, it is also very fast. It is perfect for fasting-nuts and beans are rich in protein and give a feeling of satiety for a long time.