Lunch is the most important meal of the day, during which several dishes are usually served, and this makes some sense. According to Ayurveda, it is at noon that the stomach is most active, so even heavy food is perfectly digested and absorbed by the body. The most delicious recipes for lunch necessarily include a salad or an appetizer, the first and second course, dessert and a drink, although in everyday life it is sometimes possible to eat only the second – and more often without dessert. Nutritionists recommend eating soup and a second course for lunch, everything else is at the request and capabilities of the eater.
If you cook meat for lunch, prepare vegetables for it. There are a lot of options for what to cook from meat. If you are interested in a quick lunch, you do not want to mess with meat, you can cook a quick lunch by baking meat in the oven. If you have minced meat, then we will tell you what to cook for lunch from minced meat. Cutlets, meatballs, pasta with meat, meat casserole — all these are meat recipes for lunch from minced meat. Ask yourself what to cook delicious fish for lunch, and you will see that in fact you have dozens of options. Similarly, you will find many answers to the question of what can be cooked delicious from meat and mushrooms.
Sometimes it is important to choose a quick meal for lunch, which does not require much time to prepare and at the same time perfectly satisfies hunger, provides the body with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients, maintains a high level of efficiency and makes it possible to live up to dinner. As a second course for lunch, stuffed sweet peppers, chicken curry with rice, potatoes with cheese and broccoli with chicken meatballs, shrimp in garlic sauce, pork rolls with pasta and a snack cake made of polenta with cheese are suitable.
The recipe was born completely by accident, once in a hurry, instead of broth, I poured tea into the pan… Trying to fix the situation, I added a lot of different spices. But everything turned out to be “Hooray!” and since then I have been periodically cooking like this. Fried chicken, with your favorite potatoes, stewed in tea with lemon.
How sometimes you want to treat yourself to something delicious and satisfying for breakfast! I offer you a fragrant, juicy and hearty omelet with cheese and ham. It is prepared in a few minutes, the result is amazing!
On the days of fasting, you also want to eat delicious and varied food. I suggest you prepare a very tasty and beautiful dish-eggplant rolls stuffed with lentils with fried onions and carrots. And to make the rolls have an even more refined taste, I suggest cooking them in an oriental style, i.e. pour them with a sweet and sour sauce, which is traditionally used in various dishes of Chinese and other Asian cuisine.
Delicious, lean and dietary cauliflower. The dish is easy to prepare, and does not require special skills. Cabbage is good both hot and cold. Soft and tender inside, crispy and spicy breading of polenta, makes the dish very original.
A traditional dish of Mexican cuisine. Enchilada is a thin tortilla (tortilla) made of corn flour, in which the filling is wrapped. The filling is most often meat (usually from chicken)
The recipe for meatballs is taken from the book “Russian home cooking” and interpreted under home conditions by me and my mother. (In the book, the dish is called telny) All illustrations for the recipe are made in our kitchen by my mother and are not plagiarized. When cooking, it is advisable to use bread soaked in milk.
Hot meat dish for two.. Very bright taste. Beauty on the plate and a large set of cooking options from existing products. The dish is built on the contrast of Very hot and very spicy meat, followed by the taste of juicy cold vegetables. The sauce gives a special piquancy.. Within a few seconds, your receptors will feel the whole range of salty sweet spicy sour… The closest association is the explosion of taste “ala cranberries in powdered sugar”..
Very tasty, crispy and flavorful breakfast a la pizza. It is prepared quickly, eaten even faster! But do not think that if it is on pita bread, it means that it is not satisfying, it is not so) By the way, I like this recipe not only for its speed, but also for its low calorie content. When you’re on a diet and you can’t eat flour, but you want something delicious – this option is the best!
Friends, today I come to you with a very simple, but delicious breakfast-it is prepared very easily, the result is excellent, even the younger generation can cope! If this is interesting to someone, then I will tell you everything-I will show you, come visit!!!