The presented dishes for morning breakfasts are simple, excellent taste and nutritional value. Cooking takes a minimum of time and does not require the use of expensive products. Use proven recipes and cook a healthy, hearty and delicious breakfast for the whole family every day.
The most delicious breakfast recipes should be hearty, simple and quick to prepare. The task of the morning meal is to start the metabolism, give the body a generous portion of energy, nourish the brain and start a new day with cheerfulness and optimism.
If you want to cook a quick and delicious breakfast, then our recipes for scrambled eggs, porridge or hot sandwiches will be great options to start the day. Donuts, buns and sweets are not the best food for the awakened body, although sometimes you can break all the rules and treat yourself to high–calorie desserts after waking up on weekends. Among the delicious breakfast recipes you will find semolina balls with berry sauce, apple cupcakes, cornflake cookies and French toast with raisins and cinnamon.
Photo recipes of delicious breakfasts take into account the preferences of both sophisticated gourmets and supporters of a healthy diet, therefore, according to the mood, you can prepare healthy dishes that will fill the body with vitamins, trace elements and fiber. It’s nice to start the day with another recipe: vegetable salad, zucchini and celery pancakes, frittata with zucchini and corn, Japanese omelette with chicken and rice and carrot cheesecakes. With our breakfast recipes, feeding the whole family quickly is not a problem. We wish you a bright, creative and joyful morning with delicious meals!
My mother is a big fan of crosswords, regularly buys herself magazines where they often print recipes and she always shares with me the ones that she particularly liked. And here is one of them – petite, bright pancakes on the fermented baked milk and milk with corn flour!
Tender pies that taste like pudding. Without flour! Since my cottage cheese was wet, I slightly increased the amount of starch. Added another poppy for a spectacular cut. Shape size 24 cm by 16 cm pie Height-3 cm.
Pate is good to make for Breakfast, afternoon tea, a snack, as well as for a festive table. I’ll make it for Breakfast today. Pate with crab sticks, bell pepper, sweet paprika on cottage cheese and sour cream with herbs.
This delicious treat will appeal even to those who do not like cottage cheese. The dessert tastes a little like a “potato” cake. The cooking process is quite simple, even a novice cook can cope.
These rolls are perfect as a snack for a festive table, and as a snack on a weekday. They are prepared very quickly from the most affordable ingredients, and are almost harmless and light.
These pancakes are from the series “from what was”, but they turned out to be tender, flavorful, hole-hole and delicious. Most importantly, cook with inspiration.
If I had been told 10 years ago that pancakes can be made without flour, without milk and without eggs, I would not have believed it! Pancakes are American puffy pancakes that look more like pancakes. In our family – this is the most favorite Breakfast! To make Breakfast healthier and healthier, I come up with unusual recipes. For example, gluten-free coconut pancakes. My pancakes are made from coconut and rice flour, and the role of eggs in the dough is performed by guar gum. This is an absolutely natural product made from Indian acacia pods. By analogy with fiber, it serves as a broom for the gastrointestinal tract, helping to remove harmful residues from it and, thus, free it from toxins and slags. The pancakes turn out a fragrant, delicate and airy!
I offer you fast and lazy dumplings. Just two products – and a full Breakfast or dinner, for children and adults. And with such simple products, there is always a place for creativity.