Very tasty and hearty casserole, can be served as a side dish or as an independent dish.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Stew is so convenient: the first and the second are at the choice of your consumers. And you can use different products, just a little bit on the table and the dish is fragrant, rich, satisfying and beautiful. I like to pre-fry each product, it seems so delicious to me, and the pieces of vegetables do not fall apart. Today let’s cook a very tasty stew of chicken hearts, wild mushrooms, dried mint, celery and basil. To heal.
Fajitas is one of the most popular and traditional Mexican dishes. Fajitas are not just fried meat in a tortilla (corn tortilla), but also necessarily a traditional set of side dishes or sauces: black bean paste, rice with Mexican spices, Pico de Gallo sauce and sour cream. Meat, beans and rice are cooked with traditional Mexican spices: cumin, oregano and, of course, seasoned with lime juice. You can’t do without onions and hot peppers in this kitchen either. All these ingredients harmoniously complement each other and create a unique flavor of Mexican cuisine. Traditionally, rather cheap and not very soft pieces of beef are used for fajitas: peritoneum, sides and tenderloin (barrel, round, skirt, London broil, etc.). Therefore, it is very important for fajitas to cut the meat into very thin strips – across the fibers. In order for the meat to fry and remain juicy, cook them over very high heat. Of course, no one will forbid you to cook fajitas from more expensive steak chops: thick edge, thin edge, shackles, cereals and rump, and, of course, fillets. Although, in this case, it will not be quite a traditional fajita.
Tea opens up a new world for me. Traditional ideas about tea as an everyday drink fade into the background. Tea is a philosophy, ritual and culinary art. The tea brewing ceremony is a separate topic, so let’s touch on the culinary component. It turns out that in Korea they drink a nutritious grain drink as tea, and in Japan they cook soup with tea. A green tea smoothie with banana can be an excellent alternative to morning coffee, as green tea contains thein, which invigorates and tones. And the banana is well saturated, so it is suitable for breakfast.