Beef “A La Roast Beef ” Slow Cooking Recipe


Roast beef is fried beef in English. The variety and quality of the meat, the weight of the piece and the degree of roasting are of great importance for cooking this dish. I have everything much simpler, a small piece of steamed beef, pepper and salt, a little time and “a La roast beef” on the dining table. The main thing is to cook with inspiration.

Protein Ice Cream Recipe


This ice cream contains a relatively high amount of protein. Protein is important for many aspects of your health, including blood vessel function, immune health, and tissue repair. It also plays a Central role in building muscle mass, so to optimize results after training, it is usually recommended to consume a good source of protein. Research shows that whey protein can stimulate muscle growth, weight loss, and muscle recovery after exercise.

Crackers “Crunch” Recipe


Very tasty and treacherous crackers-it’s hard to stop! Take with you on the road, on a picnic, as a snack, crunch with beer, but just like that-these crackers are worth trying! Flour can be selected to your taste, as well as seeds and seeds! If the dough is rolled out thinly, we get crunchy crackers, if a little thicker-a little soft cookies.