Watch your figure, but do you like to eat delicious food? Then prepare this amazing recipe that is suitable for all occasions.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Zucchini in Afghan or Borani Kadu. A very tasty appetizer dish. It is served either as an independent dish with rice on a side dish, or as an appetizer -meze. Spicy and spicy, like all oriental dishes. Try it, you won’t regret..)))
Tea opens up a new world for me. Traditional ideas about tea as an everyday drink fade into the background. Tea is a philosophy, ritual and culinary art. The tea brewing ceremony is a separate topic, so let’s touch on the culinary component. It turns out that in Korea they drink a nutritious grain drink as tea, and in Japan they cook soup with tea. A green tea smoothie with banana can be an excellent alternative to morning coffee, as green tea contains thein, which invigorates and tones. And the banana is well saturated, so it is suitable for breakfast.
I have heard this recipe somewhere for a long time, but I still did not gain the strength to cook, but in vain: a very fast and delicious salad, an unusual combination of fruits and vegetables, as well as a minimum of ingredients. I really liked it, I hope you like it too! I think this salad is suitable for a romantic dinner – beautiful and light.
Today is a great holiday – Palm Sunday. The post continues. We treated ourselves to festive sweets – berry jelly, cooked on agar-agar. As you know, agar-agar is a vegetable substitute for gelatin. It is prepared from a certain type of algae. I’ll make healthy candies. Thus, the berries will take all the juice, will not separate. The candies will be completely natural and will help our gastrointestinal tract to work properly. It’s fiber. Sweets can be eaten not only during Lent, they are suitable for a holiday, and for those who follow the figure and are afraid to get better. These candies are low-calorie. You can take any berries. For example: currant, strawberry, cherry.