I’m baking mackerel for the first time in my life. And for the first time in my life, I cook fish fillets according to the precepts of the masters of the Japanese outskirts. It turned out interesting, simple, and most importantly – not dry. It seems like you need to worry a lot, but the marinade is easy to prepare when you are preparing a vegetable salad for dinner.
I do not know how to describe the taste of this caramelized fish, but I will say one thing – those who love fish, ginger and do not mind soy sauce will have a lot of fun!!!
Many people are already familiar with frozen yolks and have tried it. I suggest you try a snack from Yasuke Shimoki, the owner of a Japanese bar. This snack is served with sake. But just with rice it turns out delicious and unusual. A simple and at the same time unusual dish.
Soba is a Japanese noodle made from buckwheat flour. We have many different recipes, and they are all very unusual and fragrant. Today I suggest you try soba with peanut paste sauce with vegetables.
Rice Furikake. Furikake is a Japanese seasoning that is sprinkled with rice or mixed with it. There are dozens of ways to prepare this seasoning. I want to offer you a vegetarian option.
If you are a fan of Japanese cuisine, then you will definitely like these vegetables. The recipe will help to diversify the menu in the post. Rice is the perfect side dish for this dish.
More recently, I learned that in Japan, the familiar daylily buds are used for food. It’s no secret that many flowers are used in cooking: chrysanthemums, pansies, etc. And here is a new option – daylily buds. They are cooked separately, used as a side dish or stewed with other products to give them a new taste. As a very inquisitive person in the field of cooking, I decided to try what it is for myself. I barely waited for my daylilies to reach the desired ripeness, and cooked them. I will tell you that it is very, very tasty! A delicate vegetable taste, very similar to young asparagus, broccoli or cauliflower, but much more tender and delicious. Many grow these flowers, I strongly recommend you to try this option. They are put in soup, on the second course or in salads. But it is best to boil it or stew it. Today I offer you a Japanese salad with seafood, mushrooms and young daylily buds..