For lovers, I offer another recipe for delicious borscht. Cook for good health.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Very rich and fragrant Cuban duck soup. The recipe is from my grandmother, a real Kuban Cossack. No matter how many times I try to cook this soup under her guidance, it still doesn’t work, because it doesn’t work. She adds all the ingredients “by eye” and says it all depends on experience. But by trial and error, I managed to get as close to my result as possible, and I will be happy to share this recipe with you.
The recipe for this wine was extracted from a magazine published by a supermarket chain. The dish turns out to be 2 in 1: both hot and with a side dish. Helps out when there is not enough time for a long culinary creativity. The name of something fascinating is Osso Bucco! It turns out a soft and tender turkey under fragrant vegetables. The wine gives the dish a special pleasant aftertaste. The colors of my language palette are not enough to accurately describe this. Potatoes in wine are combined with this turkey.
The Greek equivalent of the Italian bolognese sauce, Kim sauce, is very popular in Greek families. Its quick and easy cooking, affordable products and amazing taste are what a busy modern woman and a man who loves to cook need today. I will immediately make a reservation that my recipe does not claim to be a classic original and is made taking into account the taste and desire of my loved ones. During the step-by-step description, I will try to explain this in more detail.