This bread in Scotland used to be baked on the eve of the feast of St. Michael, on September 29, when all the grain was removed. Bread was traditionally baked by the eldest daughter in the family from the grains of the fresh harvest. A mixture of different grains was used for “Struan”: rye, oats, barley, wheat. The grains were pre-ground and soaked in water or milk. Then they baked bread, and in the morning they carried it to the church to receive the blessing of the priest, who asked St. Michael for a plentiful harvest.
Beauty directly depends on our nutrition. I’ve had steamed oatmeal for breakfast for years. I experimented with oatmeal supplements until I decided on the best option. Such a breakfast has a beneficial effect not only on the health of the body, but also on female beauty. It saturates with useful trace elements, normalizes digestion and, clearing the body of toxins and toxins, raises an already good mood. The skin will begin to glow with health from the inside, the excess weight goes away and the whole body becomes light. And this is what we, the beauties, need! And it is also important that this breakfast does not need to be prepared at all. It prepares itself, freeing up our precious morning time!
Try this liver snack, it is prepared in a steamer and it does not contain a drop of oil. This, of course, can not be called a pate in full, because, due to the lack of oil, there is no plasticity that is inherent in all pates. But those who are on a diet, sometimes do not have to choose much. In my opinion, this is a great alternative to the classic liver pate. Yes, and you can take a picnic with you, spread on bread or wholemeal bread.
Simple pastries for every day. Baked twice in a row. because the first batch was eaten immediately. The amount of flour will depend on the humidity of the cottage cheese. You can do without additives at all, but I put my own. Idea: replace flour with wholegrain flour.
Universal biscuits-tortillas can be used instead of bread, served with tea, take with you for a snack. Suitable for those who can not white flour. Instead of bran, you can use ground oatmeal.
We are very fond of all kinds of cakes, especially with the heat, with the heat. Yes and then it is convenient to take to work and warm up in the micro and.. a cozy, home-style snack is ready! For the filling, greens, cheese-what could be tastier for me personally))) This time, mozzarella+a piece of ordinary cheese, but you can change the options, even leave one green and egg, the spices will make their own flavor!
I suggest you cook a relatively healthy, very satisfying and delicious pizza in a frying pan. This is a great option for a late Sunday Breakfast for the whole family, the ingredients are designed for one serving. By changing some of the ingredients, you can diversify the taste.
Dumplings with red fish and sauerkraut. Juicy, tender, hearty, very tasty. A family recipe that is very many years old. These dumplings for New Year and Christmas were prepared by my great-grandmother, great-grandmother-great-grandmother and mother. And I also follow the family tradition. On our New Year’s table, this dish always takes pride of place and enjoys constant popularity. Try this! I hope you will also like fish dumplings with sauerkraut.