This snack is a real salvation for situations when you need a quick snack. It is prepared very quickly and simply, the main thing is that there is a jar of tuna in its own juice at home.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
I want to share with you a recipe for an original festive snack made of rye bread. The cost of the products is low, and the dish is easy to prepare. But the result will definitely please you! Two crispy loaves, with an insanely delicious filling between them, and all this in a delicate delicious batter!
I found the recipe for this salad on a Georgian culinary website, it interested me, I cooked it and … was disappointed. To my taste, the proposed sauce did not fit the salad at all. Then I experimented a little and as a result I suggest you cook this salad with my sauce, which fits very harmoniously into the overall picture.
The trick of adding bread to the marinade was once shared with me by a friend of mine who worked as a chef for a long time. The meat marinated in this way turns out to be very tender, fragrant and juicy. And I serve it with a spicy tomato sauce, which is much tastier than store-bought starch ketchup. This sauce is very easy to prepare, and it is suitable for any meat, pasta and dumplings.
Every housewife knows how quickly hot meatballs fly away, yes, right from the frying pan, just toasted, ruddy, fragrant… I know for sure: I pick it up and take it out, without waiting for the side dish and salad. All this ruddy beauty – on bread and in the mouth!.. But if you don’t have much meat, but the family needs to eat! I suggest you try a very economical option from German housewives in the form of casseroles.