Lentil Soup with Pumpkin Recipe


I offer you another version of lentil soup with pumpkin. There are several of their websites, and they are all so different! But this combination – lentils and pumpkin – is so successful that, I think, the following variations will be born further. I came up with this particular version of lentil-pumpkin soup myself.

Rolls of Dough “Shuttlecocks” Recipe


Rolls made of unleavened dough, with a very attractive appearance and a delicious combination of chicken meat, mushrooms, sorrel and spices. The smell of this dish will make the neighbors envy, because it is prepared with the addition of a large number of Italian herbs, which include: marjoram, thyme, oregano, mint, basil and others. As a result, you will get a fragrant lunch or dinner, it will please you with its excellent taste, which resembles the taste of dumplings (mantov).

Sorrel Soup “Velvet” Recipe


Spring has already arrived. Soon nettle chicks hatch, and then sorrel with spinach appears. It’s time to cook the usual fresh and light green soup. I did not expect that a simple sorrel soup with only three ingredients could turn out to be so chic, soft, velvety, with a slight pleasant sourness. I cooked this soup regularly at the dacha last summer until I ran out of fresh sorrel, and in winter I cooked spinach with the addition of citric acid or juice. Excellent soup! Everything is simple and fast.

Chicken with Beans and Parsley Pesto Recipe


A dish from the “2 in 1” category, both meat and side dish are cooked together. Very tasty, homemade dish. Thanks to the parsley pesto sauce, the aroma when baking is simply magical! And don’t be afraid of the strange word “pesto”, this wonderful vitamin sauce from parsley is prepared from the most affordable products in 5 minutes, and it will always be used. To save time, it is convenient to use canned beans.