Chocolate Wine Recipe


I suggest you try an unusually delicious warming drink! Thick and tender, a little sweet, with an unforgettable aroma of chocolate and cinnamon – it’s good to sit in a rocking chair by the fireplace, wrapped in a warm blanket (well, I was dreaming a little …). If on New Year’s Eve you are going to walk around the city at night or celebrate a holiday in nature – this drink will surely help you warm up and cheer up! This is a great alternative to mulled wine!

The Chicken “Gung bao” and Rice “Gohan” Recipe


Gongbao chicken is a classic dish of Sichuan cuisine, invented in Sichuan Province in western China. It is made from pieces of chicken fillet fried with nuts and red chili pepper. It is served with a lot of chicken and a small amount of fresh, but properly cooked rice. Come in and I’ll show you how to cook this rice so that it turns crumbly, just rice to rice, and how to cook this delicious chicken.