This recipe came to me spontaneously. Initially, I planned to cook pilaf, but I found that there was very little rice. I didn’t want to go to the store and decided to “make” ala-pilaf from Bulgur. The result pleased me.
A very tasty and simple salad that can be prepared in a few minutes while the rice is cooking. And then quickly assemble and serve to the table. Salted peanuts are a wonderful addition to the salad and gives it a piquant shade.
If you like to pamper your loved ones with baked pies, then my recipe will definitely come in handy. Bulgur is good not only as a side dish, but is also an excellent filling for pies, and in combination with green onions, boiled egg and butter, I assure you, it is excellent!
Some Chinese dishes surprise me a little. Well, for example, I would attribute this dish to the hot second, and, nevertheless, the Chinese serve it as an appetizer and call it a hot salad.