Jambalaya is a Louisiana dish from New Orleans. Initially, it appeared as an attempt by the Spaniards to cook their favorite paella in the absence of saffron. Tomatoes were used as a substitute. Over time, the Spanish influence in the region was replaced by French, which was reflected in the cuisine-new spices appeared. So, gradually, jambalaya absorbed more and more cultures. It flourished in the 1920s and 1930s, because it was cheap and flexible enough to the ingredients used. Even now, there are two main types of jambalaya in Louisiana – Creole and Cajun. We’ll make Creole.
These delicious chicken thighs with new potatoes, with fragrant garlic, soaked in a wonderful dressing from Maggi will be popular both on the holiday table and in the everyday menu. I strongly advise you to cook them and you will understand how delicious it is.
It is prepared easily and quickly, looks beautiful, but most importantly, it is delicious and satisfying. Stuffed thighs even on a festive table is not a shame to serve.
I do not know a single person who does not like barbecue. But not always and not everyone has the opportunity to light a fire or build a barbecue. For such a situation, I offer you my recipe for chicken thighs on skewers, which we will cook in the oven. Of course, we will not have the smell of smoke characteristic of cooking on coals, but the effect of a ruddy crust… plus pickled onions… Almost a barbecue!)