Dessert “Grapefruit Cakes” Recipe


All citrus fruits have a rich invigorating aroma and a special taste with a slight sourness. Bright citrus fruits will be an excellent base for a home-made dessert. You can use them to make cupcakes and muffins, souffles and mousses, cakes and sweets. Prepare a delicious grapefruit cake. The flesh of fresh grapefruit fills this dessert with an intense citrus flavor that is simply impossible to resist. Immediately warn, grapefruit not everyone will like, because it combines three flavors: sour, sweet and bitter.

Homemade Ice Cream “Favorite” Recipe


Why a favorite? There are several reasons – very tasty, very fast and very simple, the basic recipe is to add nuts, chocolate, berries, etc. and get a new ice cream with a new taste, the texture of the ice cream is silky and soft-ice cream is perfect for me in all respects. For those who are afraid of raw eggs, 3 ways – take pasteurized proteins, replace chicken with quail at the rate of 1 chicken equals 4 quail, or take the advice of chef Alexander Belkovich (I have been doing this for several years) – first soak the eggs in water with soda for 20 minutes, then wash them with dishwashing liquid under running water, dry the eggs and you can cook. Well, shall we try it?

Cold Snack “Panna Cotta” Recipe


Yes, I’m not mistaken in the name – it’s not a dessert, it’s a cold appetizer. It is perfect for summer, with a light Basil aroma, unique taste and perfect balance. I am not exaggerating – those who love and appreciate Italian cuisine will understand me. Try it?