Nice-tasting cookies with a chocolate “cap” are perfect for a family tea party.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Do your children or grandchildren ask for Nutella paste?! And you, doubting the quality, refuse them and do not buy. And let’s make our own chocolate paste for our sweet tooth, the products are more than available, the process is very easy. Due to a small secret, the paste will be elastic and shiny, Nutella will not yield a single gram… Did you persuade her?”
Fragrant banana pastries pleased me with their taste, I adapted its square cast-iron shape to the original shape of the “brick”. I’m glad you baked it. The cupcake has a place to be on the festive Easter table. You can take it with you on a picnic. The height of the cake is 4 cm. The side of the form is 18 cm.