I highly recommend cooking this very quick recipe. It’s just an explosion of taste! The chicken turns out to be very festive, bright, tasty, juicy, unusual and very, very New Year’s. And it turns out an incomparable sauce that will enrich any side dish.
This poultry roll is made in the manner of Italian porchetta, which is traditionally made from pork. If you want more roll, take a turkey breast; a smaller chicken will do! The role of the “crust” here will be performed by the bacon covering the roll. Definitely, this roll can become a decoration of the festive table. And, at the same time, in cold form it is suitable as a snack. Pesto sauce makes slicing very attractive and delicious!
Multiple words with multiple meanings. This is the name of the method of cooking meat on coals at a temperature of 100-120 degrees Celsius, and the equipment necessary for cooking in this way, and a picnic where you eat dishes cooked in a barbecue oven. There is even a sauce with that name! I’m going to cook the ribs in an 18 litre electric cabinet with heating elements on top and bottom that I can handle. You can cook them in a regular oven, it just takes longer than I spent. Marinate them, and then bake them in a clay mold. Such ribs are not ashamed to serve on a festive table, including New Year’s. As you know, there is not much meat on the ribs, so we will eat 700 g for two!
Today I want to offer a recipe for meringue roll or as it is called – meringue roll. The cream will be lemon-based cream “Charlotte”. A delicate citrus cream perfectly complements the sweetness of the meringue. They perfectly complement and emphasize each other. Thanks to this cream, the meringue does not get wet and keeps its shape well. It is prepared from the most common products. The recipe will not contain heavy cream and cream cheese. The roll turns out to be very tender, with a crisp crust and a light, moist middle. It really turns out very, very tasty!!!
I almost never stuff fish whole, but it happens that I come across such interesting recipes that only my hands itch. And then there was something to scratch – they drew a bullet at home (it’s also a pelengas)… why not?)
It is easier to list the advantages that arugula does not have. The ancient Romans knew about its healing properties. Here are just some of them: it has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, fights pathogenic viruses and bacteria, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood and has a restorative effect on the immune system. From all sides, the thing is useful. It goes especially well with cheeses. Let’s spend, literally, 5 minutes and prepare a light, hearty and very tasty salad.
If you are already tired of sauerkraut, I suggest you prepare a light vegetable salad of fresh cabbage with an interesting taste. Crispy, with a small pinch of garlic, tomato and lemon soup.