Salad with Vegetables and Chicken Breast Recipe


The salad is very tasty. Toasted pumpkin seeds add flavor and structure. The salad is good with nuts, but the seeds are also pleasing with the price. Tortillas can be replaced with breadcrumbs, and chicken breast can be removed from the salad altogether, it will also be very tasty. It will be good to add lemon juice to the salad dressing.

Vegetable Salad “Mega-Vitamin” Recipe


It is known that red bell pepper contains much more vitamin C than lemon or orange. On the eve of spring, when the body lacks vitamins, I suggest you try this salad, the main ingredient of which is pepper. In addition, it contains lemon zest, which is an additional source of vitamins and a rich, juicy taste. To make the lemon evenly grated on a grater, I suggest pre-freezing it in the freezer.

Salad “Is Amazing” Recipe


Really, an amazing salad! I am so fascinated by him that there are no words! All its components complement and set off each other’s taste so perfectly, it’s just lovely! Quite light, very tasty, a great new salad for the upcoming holidays!