Let’s fool around a little, cooking a big black Burger with grilled Turkey, bright vegetables and different sauces. A riot of colors and a fun group – a great picnic. Recommend.
Burgers are very popular at picnics. I offer you the option of a delicious and savory Burger. And, as a bonus, a way to prepare a tender and flavorful Turkey for this Burger.
Delicious hot dogs with a delicate bathe-grilled Turkey, complemented with melted cheese and fresh vegetables. A spice will add mustard. These hot dogs will perfectly complement your outdoor activities!
Congrio fish is called shrimp fish for a reason: its taste really resembles the taste of shrimp. The meat is both quite dense and at the same time juicy and tender. You can cook it in any way, I chose the most traditional: fried in a pan in a light flour breading. Pre-marinated a little. It turned out so well that the 700-gram package – 6 pieces – my wife and I were able to do in one sitting. When specifying the cooking time, I do not take into account the time spent on marinating the fish: it took me two hours, but it can be less.
A few minutes (not counting the time of pickling the daikon) to prepare a light dinner. The dish is suitable as an appetizer. Spicy chicken breast on lettuce leaves, with pickled daikon and cucumber. The sauce will add its own piquant note. Method of preparation of pickled daikon is attached.
A truly summer, refreshing cold soup on kefir with a rich vegetable composition, the delicate color of summer greens. The main additives are not mixed together with the dressing, they are served separately -everyone can “assemble” their own plate of soup according to their taste preferences. The soup is very light and in composition. And most importantly, without fuss, around the stove, on a hot summer day.